You know what I'm craving? A little perspective. That's it. I'd like some fresh, clear, well seasoned perspective. Can you suggest a good wine to go with that? --Ratatouille (Pixar, 2007)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Karibu--Capetown, South Africa.

Hey Guys
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I was still working with food--don't worry. I recently took a trip to South Africa with my family. No, I wasn't building houses for the poor, I was visiting the cities and plains the country had to offer. While I was there, I tasted some pretty amazing food that I am semi-positive I'll never get to eat again for a while.
The first night spent in Africa, we went to a restaurant called "Karibu" in Capetown. Though it was only my first meal there, it would turn out to be the best one. It was most exciting because I tasted four different foods for the first time. Below is a picture of my appetizer, a crocodile carpaccio. I'm not usually one for carpaccios, but I figured if I had the opportunity to taste crocodile, it might be my only chance--so I pretty much had to have a try. Sadly, the taste of crocodile isn't really anything special. It tastes mostly like smokehouse deli turkey you could buy in the supermarket. However, I'm not one to say Karibu did a good or bad job on the crocodile because it was the first and only plate of it I have ever tasted. Later on when I told some natives I had eaten it, most of them had similar reactions. "Crocodile is only as good as the sauce it's served in."

The next dish I had was a plate of three different types of venison medallions. If you didn't know, venison is any meat classified as being hunted from a deer. However, the deer in Africa aren't quite the same as the ones we have in the USA. I had a trio of springbok, eland, and impala. Unlike crocodile, I have had venison before--just not this kind of venison. After eating it I can say I was more than satisfied with this part of the meal than I could've ever expected. Each piece of meat had it's own specific taste and texture. They were all unique, and delicious in their own way. Below is a picture of them--

The final dish I had at Karibu was a desert called "Hertzoggies." They were two miniature apricot tarts with coconut and cream on top. They were so delicious I forgot to take a picture until I was halfway through. Oh, and they were served like any other good desert...with ice cream.

Bottom Line: If you're in South Africa and wish to eat what you could only eat in South Africa, Karibu is a must. Oh, and make reservations to sit outside overlooking the waterfront if the weather is nice.
RATING: 4.25/5 stars

More info on Karibu available at:

1 comment:

  1. andy. my mind is blown. i literally went there and ordered crocodile carpaccio also. this is nuts. crazy nuts. this is alanna by the way.
